Friday, May 10, 2013

Why? Why not?!


So here's the thing. As a kid, teenager, and young adult, I hated bike riding. No really. I hated it. Ask my parents! It was rarely enjoyable, my legs tired quickly, my butt hurt. I liked the idea of riding bikes...just not the reality. I stuck with horses.

Fast forward a decade or so, I'm now a city biker, daily bike commuter and my little black Surly is my baby. So what's a reformed bike hater to do? Embark on a 6(ish)-week-long bike tour from Vancouver, BC to San Francisco, CA, of course!

In case you're wondering what that looks like...

Yup. Starting July 9th at the tip-top of that blue line, we'll be biking south until we get to the middle of the Californian coast. Originally, this grand plan (hatched in the summer of 2011) was going to feature a cast of 5 Chicago lindy hoppers. Sadly, as the months passed, our planned numbers dwindled to two of us - yours truly, Lindsay, blogger and general recorder of this Adventure, and Zac, Grand Vizier and (more importantly) partner-in-crime who has actually gone on weeks-long bike tours (Indiana to Maine)!

If you're wondering why we're doing this (and to be honest, I still find myself wondering that with only 60 days until we hit the Vancouver trail), the simplest answer is, "why not?" For the challenge of biking 1,200 miles in a little over a month. For the adventure of experiencing a new part of the country. For the chance to leave the city and camp under the stars. To learn - learn what our bodies are capable of, what our minds will do with hours on the road without technological distractions, what our souls are  yearning for without the structure of work and chores and routines.

And this blog will be a chance for us to share it with you!
...and let our friends and family know we're still alive and biking :D
