Saturday, August 10, 2013

Ow...I didn't need those eardrums anyway!

I'm not going to lie, it's incredibly weird not to be biking 40-60 miles a day right now! (and...I kind of miss it...)

Anywho, the kids! When we left them way back in Eureka, we realized it was unlikely that we would see them again. I was mentally kicking myself forwards and backwards for not getting contact info from Allie or Tim, their leaders, especially since we were all due to arrive in San Francisco on the 8th.

So when we ended up in the same campsite at Standish-Hickey, we thanked our lucky stars! And I slipped Allie a note with our Grand Plan.

We had decided that it would be a lot of fun to surprise them at the Golden Gate Bridge with cookies, to celebrate their arrival and spoil them a bit for all the laughs and help they gave us. I gave Allie my number and told her to text me with an eta...and to keep it hushed from the kids, just in case the plan fell through.

So on the morning of the 8th, we headed to the Bridge with 50 chocolate chip cookies. We got caught in traffic on the way and I was starting to stress that we wouldn't make it in time. Happily, we made it with plenty of time to spare. We took in the view, people watched, (got horribly sunburned), took pictures, and scanned the Bridge every 5 minutes, looking for the collection of orange flags that would indicated their arrival.

And then we saw them. Or rather, saw their flags bobbing against the blue sky and red bridge. I started bouncing up and down and had to refrain from screaming APOGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! at the top of my lungs and spoiling the surprise. Allie kept the kids distracted as we walked up, cookies in hand. We got lots of happy (if a bit tired) smiles, laughs and shouts.

But my favorite reaction was Emma's. Zac and I were in civvies, rather than our biking gear, no bikes in site, no helmets on our heads. Hannah had seen us and said hi...and Emma and I made eye contact, she smiled vacantly, and looked away.

And then it clicked.

Her head snapped back around, eyes opened wide, jaw dropped, and she started shrieking at the top of her lungs in excitement. They pulled us in for hugs and more screaming (possibly right in my ear...) and laughing and it was WONDERFUL. It was even better a reaction than I could have hoped for, and it absolutely made my day.

So we got a chance to catch up once more, swap tales of our final days (turns out Jessie hit the same crack in the road between Albion and Elk that took me and Zac down) and take some more group pictures. It was  AWESOME.

Happy Trails, Apogee - y'all are going to remain part of some of my favorite memories of this trip! <3

Friday, August 9, 2013

The final days!

The trip has not ended as gloriously and triumphantly as we had hoped. Yes, dear readers, we are in San Fran! The last 150 miles were travelled by bus, rather than bike, though.

The day after our completely awesome day, we started out as always, ready to make it to Gualala. We were both a little sore and a little tired from our hard-core day, but we were ready to chug on. About an hour in, though, something wasn't right. Zac was dragging more than usual. When we were climbing hills at the same pace, I knew something wasn't right.

When I looked up and saw him curled on the ground in the fetal position on the side of the road, I knew something was WRONG.

He had hit a crack in the road, and since he was feeling under the weather, his reflexes weren't as quick as normal. Ironically, in my distress at seeing him on the ground and my urgency to help him, I hit the same obnoxious crack!

So we pulled off the road, repaired his gashed knee, and biked on. Well...tried to bike on. A quarter mile down the road, it became apparent that Zac had pulled a muscle in such a way that biking wasn't going to happen. So we found a state park parking lot to rest in while we planned our next move. Have I mentioned we were about 9 miles from the nearest town?

And that's when we me our curmudgeony guardian angel.

While we were resting, a large white pickup truck pulled in. He must have seen our bikes and come to find their owners. I walked up to the driver's side and before I had a chance to open my mouth, he grumbled, "you're looking for a ride somewhere, aren't you?"

We threw our bikes into the back of his truck and he gave us a ride to Elk, the next town south of where we got stranded. He was a gruff sort of fellow and made it a point to remind us that he was not only doing us a favor, but also going out of his way to do so! But we were so grateful to him not only for giving us a ride, but giving us a ride to an inn with the most beautiful gardens and seaside views:

So we rested, and recouped...and then Zac got righteously sick.

And then I got sick.

And then we decided it was time to stop biking and hop us a bus to San Fran.

So that's exactly what we did! We quit while we were (sort of) ahead, took care of ourselves and have had zero regrets about doing so! In my mind, we still biked from Vancouver to San Francisco, and it was a phenomenal trip.

Stay tuned for another entry or two...because the adventure's not over yet...and I really need to tell you about how we surprised our favourite apogee kids at the golden gate bridge...

Monday, August 5, 2013

The braggiest brag post I've been dying to write!

Okay, dear readers. I finally get to write the blog post I was hoping I'd get to write! The post where I brag about how awesome we are...cause we're freaking awesome.

A few days back, I found a shortcut on the map that allowed us to cut out 8 or so miles. It put us about half a day ahead of schedule...which turned out to be an incredibly good thing.

Because of a campground being unexpectedly closed, we ended up at an RV camp one night. I was tired, I was cranky, I felt numb with exhaustion. All I wanted was to curl up and get a really good night's sleep.

Which would have happened, if it weren't for the sprinklers that went off at 230 and 4 am, setting off car alarms and waking up half the camp. At least we know our tent is watertight...

Anyway, we were both tired and dragging the next day. So when we stopped for lunch at the Standish-hickey state park for lunch and realized that we had reached by lunchtime the campsite that was our stretch goal for the day, we decided to take a half day and press on - and more importantly, tackle the 1800ft mountain - in the morning.

And this is where the bragging comes in. Our favorite apogee kids ended up at the same campsite again, but due to an ill teen, were going to be down a camper and counselor the next day. Zac, being the awesome person he is, offered our company and assistance in the morning, particularly since there was The Mountain to deal with!

So we got up a little earlier, hustled ourselves out of camp, and joined up with the group right at the base of the climb. Zac and I hung out with the "back pod," as they call the last group of bikers. We climbed a couple hundred feet, and then I realized something. Zac is much better at mountains and hills than I am, and he often has to stop and wait for me to catch up. But this time...I had a group of 5 awesome chicks to keep me company. So I told Zac if he wanted to blaze on up the mountain at his own pace, I'd keep chugging along with the apogee girls and meet him at the top.

And you know what? It was the most fun either of us had on a mountain! Zac was able to fly up it without having to wait for me, I had a great time chatting with the girls, and thanks to their distracting conversations and amazing attitudes, I only stopped for two water/rest breaks.

Did I mention this was the highest mountain of our trip?

We got to the top in high spirits, proud of ourselves and each other.

And it was only 9am!

We had two potential stopping points for the day; the first was 43.5 miles away, the second 60 miles away. Not only was there the 1800ft mountain to deal with, there was another climb, 500 feet this time, only 5 miles from the base of the monster climb - plus another 6 climbs of 200ish feet before we got to our first campsite option. I knew 60 miles was a hell of a stretch goal, and I kept telling Zac "I'd like to get there, but no promises."

But about 5 miles from the campsite, I knew. I knew we could do it - and make it to camp before 7.

And so we did.

Which means...

We biked 60 miles, which was our longest day of the whole trip.
We conquered the tallest mountain, and the 4th tallest mountain, in the same day.
We tackled a total of 12 hills that were minimum 150ft climbs.
We got to camp by 630 (at the beginning of the trip, we'd often pull into camp between 7 and 8).
And while we were physically tired...We both got to camp in a good mood with smiles on our faces.

And I am so FREAKING proud of us and how far we've come since Canada!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

best rest day ever...and the best trees ever!

No pics in this entry, unfortunately...reliable WiFi has been scarce!

After our first redwood adventure, we hit a day that was long, cold, sleepy, windy and tiring. We spent the day fighting to gain distance and wakefulness, none too successfully. When we finally pulled into the Eureka KOA, we were all sorts of happy to learn they had a hot tub. Just the thing our sore, tired muscles needed. We soaked for close to an hour with some other bikers and went to bed, happy in the knowledge that we had a rest day at the KOA to look forward to.

And you know what? BEST REST DAY EVER.

We spent the day reading, blogging, playing silly games on our phones, enjoying the hot tub (again...), and revelling in the knowledge that for one day, we didn't have to pack up, go anywhere, set up camp, anything.

And right around dinner time, the day got even better.


We happened to be standing out by the main entrance at the right order to see our favorite group of eleven teens and their two counselors pull into camp!!

After we ate, we joined them for an evening of trading stories and giggles and mostly just laughing. It was sorely needed. Zac and I certainly enjoy each other's company and occasionally get into giggle-mode, but nothing quite like we did with the apogee group. We went to bed in even higher spirits, ready to tackle the road again.

The next day that it was utterly unremarkable and routine. I never thought I'd see the day when biking for 6 or 7 hours, eating chef boyardee out of the can and sleeping in a tent would feel routine!

But the day after was anything but ordinary. It's not every day a couple of Midwesterners get to frolic in the Avenue of the Giants! For 30 miles, we got to ride in the cool shade of the redwood forests. When the opportunity arose, we dismounted and frolicked to our hearts' content! Usually, this meant whenever we passed a tree with a hollow base...

We stopped at some tourist-trip-ish places, like the immortal tree and another drive-thru tree. But frankly...they were REALLY fun tourist traps! And provided some great photo-ops!

Yup. It's official. The Redwood Forests have been (and will probably remain) my favorite part of this trip!